Angry Zombies 인트로 app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Si-Yeon Kim
First release : 21 Dec 2010
App size: 0 Bytes
- Dr.Angrys wife was killed by son of a president.
- the killer didnt get any punishment
- since his father was a powerful president.
- So Dr.Angry started to make 5 Zombies.
- Infestor , Splasher , Reincarnator
- Roller , Bomber !!
- and with those 5 Angry Zombies
- He is ready to destroy the World !!
✔ Summon 5 Unique Zombies !!
- Destroy the World
[1] Infestor
- the only Zombie which can
- infect Humans and turn them
- into Zombies
[2] Splasher
- Can attack several Humans at once
[3] Reincarnator
- Creates Zombies from corpse
[4] Bomber
- Explodes and Destroys an area
[5] Roller
- Roll everywhere and Hits
- every Humans
✔ Angry Zombies
- Normal & Hard Mode Available
- Hard Mode is Challenging
- Normal Mode is Simple & Fun